Kinder Morgan Downsize Announcement Misleading

Thursday, May 24, 2012

VANCOUVER - Kinder Morgan announced yesterday that amidst strong public opposition to their proposed tar sands pipeline expansion project, they are downsizing their estimates from 850,000 barrels per day to 750,000 barrels, as some shippers get cold feet.

"This announcement from Kinder Morgan is misleading" said Ben West, Healthy Communities Campaigner for the Wilderness Committee. "What is really relevant is the total potential capacity of this pipeline expansion project -- not how many contracts they have signed."
"Frankly it's inappropriate for them to be out there signing contracts before they have approval and those that backed away were smart to do so. Kinder Morgan is going to have a very hard time building this new pipeline" said West.
Kinder Morgan has stated that they will not formally file an application with the National Energy Board to build their pipeline expansion project until 2014.
Former ICBC CEO economist Robyn Allan revealed the actual capacity of the Kinder Morgan proposal in a recently released report. She states that the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion project could actually facilitate 1.1 million barrels a day resulting in 475 tankers a year in Burrard inlet.
"When Kinder Morgan finally makes their submission to the National Energy Board they should be straight with the public and base it on the total potential of their expanded pipeline" said West. 

Currently approximately 80 tankers a year pass through the inlet. Each of the tankers carry about three times what was spilled by the Exxon Valdez.

For more information contact:
Ben West 604 710 5340
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