Kinder Morgan Pipeline Review Dates

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Are you a registered intervenor in the National Energy Board (NEB) review of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, or a concerned citizen?

If so, there are some important dates to keep in mind!
There were several delays in the process – primarily due to changes in the company's proposed route, and because of information requests that weren't fulfilled – but now the hearings are finally upon us. Because of recent changes to the NEB review policies, members of the public who are not registered intervenors will be able to watch or listen to the hearings live online, but not in the hearing room.

  • Intervenors’ file written arguments: January 12, 2016 online
  • Intervenors’ oral presentations in Burnaby: January 19-29 starting 9 am each day at the Delta Burnaby Hotel and Conference Centre (4331 Dominion Street, Burnaby, British Columbia)
  • Public march: January 19, 12 pm at Jim Lorimer Park, just south of Gilmore station
  • Public rally: January 23, 1 pm at the Delta Burnaby Hotel
  • Intervenors’ oral presentations in Calgary: 2 to 5 February 2016 in the Board’s hearing room at its offices in Calgary, Alberta (517 – 10th Avenue SW)

NEB releases its final report and recommendations: 20 May, 2016

You can find out more about the hearings in the NEB’s hearing schedule.


[updated January 08, 2016]

Photo: Protesting Kinder Morgan in Vancouver (Michael Wheatley) 

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