Land Back: Nuchatlaht Court Case Updates (Jul 27, 2022)

The opening arguments are complete in the Nuchatlaht title case, but this nation's quest to get its land back is far from over.
The Nuchatlaht are preparing to present their final arguments in their groundbreaking title case in late September, with a decision expected from the judge at the end of the year.
For six weeks this spring, lawyers for Nuchatlaht faced off against the BC government who fought against the nation tooth and nail, denying their title and opposing their claim to their territory on Nootka Island.
The province’s lawyers, under the direction of Attorney General David Eby, argued the Nuchatlaht abandoned their territory. They argued the nation lost connection to their lands, are too small and have not been there long enough to have legal title.
Despite its much-touted respect for Indigenous rights, new legislation and all the promises, John Horgan’s BC NDP government continues to deny Nuchatlaht title.
Final arguments will be made before the Supreme Court in late September 2022, but the Horgan government could cease its shameful treatment of the Nuchatlaht and stop fighting them any time.
Hear from this nation, and stay tuned throughout the summer for more ways to support and stand with the Nuchatlaht!
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