Letter from Grassy Narrows asking for urgent support

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grassy Narrows First Nation, located in the Heart of the Boreal in Ontario, needs help launching study of mercury poisoning in their water

Grassy Narrows is asking for assistance in publicizing a new study on the effects of mercury poisoning in their local waterways from a pulp mill spill in the 1970s. Logging has brought devastation to the boreal forests around Grassy Narrows. In addition, the rights of Ontario First Nations to have input into activities in their traditional territories is not always recognized or enforced.
Scroll down to read the email from Grassy Narrows.

Director Eric Reder and WC National Scientist Andy Miller travelled to Grassy Narrows last fall to witness first-hand the unsustainable clearcutting which had been authorized by the Ontario government over the last decade. While we know Manitoba has some stunningly large and devastating clearcuts, the situation in Ontario is much worse. Below is an image taken during the trip to Ontario's Heart of the Boreal, showing clearcuts as far as the eye can see.

Click here to the image full size. (1.4MB)

Letter from Grassy Narrows asking for urgent support:

March 29, 2010

Dear friends, allies, and supporters of Grassy Narrows;

This urgent call of support is being made by the people of Grassy Narrows seeking financial donations to bring Grassy Narrows members to the action occurring in Toronto, Ontario on April 6th & 7th 2010.

The event in Toronto is to raise public attention to Dr Harada's new recent study on the devastating effects of the mercury poisoning that has plagued the river systems of the English-Wabigoon River system after a toxic spill from the Dryden paper mill in the 1970’s.

We are requesting for any kind and amount of financial donations to assist in the procurement of a bus that will transport members of the Grassy Narrows First Nation to this important event, where Dr Harada's findings will be shared in a press conference that is to be followed by a demonstration to Queens Park.

Your financial support is needed urgently, any amount will contribute to the cost of a bus charter so that fellow members of the Grassy Narrows First Nation may be able to attend this event.

Donations may be made in the following way;
Make cheque or money order to:
Grassy Narrows First Nation
Grassy Narrows First Nation General Delivery
Grassy Narrows, Ontario
P0X 1B0


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