Manitoba government asking your opinion on protecting Duck Mountain and Turtle Mountain Provincial Parks

Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Right now the Manitoba government is asking if we should increase protection for two provincial parks: Duck Mountain Provincial Park and Turtle Mountain Provincial Park. Both parks have seen significant damage from industrial activity. 
UPDATE: In July 2020 the government protected all of Turtle Mountain Park, but only a tiny parcel of Duck Mountain Provincial Park. Read our news release.
Turtle Mountain Provincial Park is located along the U.S. border in southwest Manitoba and is an island of natural forest in a sea of developed prairie farmland. Oil and gas development has occurred in the Turtle Mountain area since the 1950s, but the company operating in the park has decided to end their lease. Now is the time to protect Turtle Mountain Provincial Park.
The government’s proposal is to remove the Resource Management (RM) land use classification, meaning Turtle Mountain Provincial Park will not be at risk from industrial activity anymore! This is great news.

However, the news is not as good for Duck Mountain Provincial Park. Fondly referred to as “The Ducks”, it is located in west central Manitoba, just north of Riding Mountain National Park. This is one of the most abused parks in our province. More than half of Duck Mountain Provincial Park, 61 per cent, is open for industrial clearcut logging. This is Manitoba’s shame, being one of the last two parks in Canada that allow commercial logging. More than 800 square kilometres of forest that should be protected for animals and nature are in the hands of logging companies.

The Manitoba government’s current proposal for Duck Mountain calls for an area around Line Lake in the northern part of the park to be protected. This is not even one square kilometre of newly protected land! This won’t do – we need to ask for better from our government.

The reality is we need more nature protection in the province and on our planet. This spring a comprehensive report on nature authored by 550 leading experts worldwide concluded that the destruction of nature is as dangerous to our society as climate change. The authors do point out, however, that we know what we need to do. 

More than a third of each of Whiteshell, Nopiming, Duck Mountain, and Grass River Provincial Parks are unprotected. Protecting nature in all of Manitoba’s Parks from industrial activity is our only path forward.

For more information on the Manitoba government proposals, read this Duck Mountain backgrounder and this Turtle Mountain backgrounder.

For more information on stopping industrial development in parks, check out our publication.

Fancy meeting you here at the end of this article! Care to hang out together for a few more sentences?

The campaign you just read about is one of about 20 we’re actively working on at any given time. And the person who wrote this article is the same campaigner who’s asking you to take action, who’s calling on our legislators to make changes and who’s in the field to bring you photos, videos and stories documenting this issue.

Did you notice how we’re a bit distinct, that we’re not afraid to call out the industries or governments that threaten what’s wild? Unlike other groups, we’re almost 100 per cent* “people powered.” Individuals like you who care give what they can, when they can. No corporate or government funding restricts our strategies, our actions or our voice. That’s how we stay a lean, nimble and unequivocally relentless voice for wilderness, wildlife and the climate. That’s why we’d love it if you’d consider joining us by making a monthly donation to the Wilderness Committee today.

We’ve already established you like to read to the end, so here’s the fine print. It’s 96 per cent of our funding which comes from individuals like you and me. About four per cent of our total funding comes from a few grants from foundations. Every gift — no matter the size — has an impact and powers our work for nature.

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The sun shining through trees in Duck Mountain Provincial Park
The sun shining through trees in Duck Mountain Provincial Park [Eric Reder]
Uninstalled culverts sit beside damaged creek in Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Uninstalled culverts sit beside damaged creek in Duck Mountain Provincial Park [Eric Reder]
Trees knocked over and a pool of water collecting on the side of a logging road inside Duck Mountain Provincial Park | Eric Reder