Manitoba is now committed to a legacy of wilderness protection

Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 14, 2016

Manitoba has as much nature and wilderness as many countries in the world. Clear lakes and rivers, huge stands of forests and functioning natural ecosystems which help keep the province healthy. The Wilderness Committee constantly works to get legislated protection for these essential environments.

Now, the provincial government has released a plan for preserving our wild and natural areas – Places to Keep: Manitoba’s Protected Areas Strategy.

The most important aspect of this strategy is the government’s goal: to protect 17 per cent of Manitoba by 2020.

For years, the Wilderness Committee has been calling for 20 per cent of the province to be protected by 2020 – partly because it’s catchy, but also because it’s possible! Achieving 17 per cent protection by 2020 will be an improvement over the slow pace of protecting lands in the past. For that, the government should be congratulated, and encouraged.

The government is asking for your feedback on their new strategy by February 1.

There are two simple ways to have your say:

1) You can visit the government website and leave a comment on their form here:

2) Or you can email the government’s Protected Area Initiative department at:

In your comments, please stress the importance of protecting more of Manitoba’s wilderness. Let the government know that the 17 per cent goal that they’ve now committed to is not bad, but the 20 per cent goal is what we should strive for!

Manitobans value our lands and waters. And they understand we need to protect them for future generations. The provincial government’s strategy has this to say about protected areas: 

“Protected areas are a natural legacy for future generations. They provide us with many ecological, social and economic benefits and promote physical, mental and spiritual well-being. They are places for people to enjoy the wonder of exploration, and the peace and solitude of nature.”

We couldn’t agree more. Please send your comments today!

For the wild,

- Eric Reder | Manitoba Campaign Director

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