MEDIA ADVISORY: Wilderness Committee Available for Comment on BC Auditor General’s Report

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Media Advisory

Wilderness Committee available for comment on BC Auditor General's Report

VANCOUVER - Wilderness Committee campaigners may be reached for comment following the release of the BC Auditor General’s withering report today on the mining sector.

“The Auditor General's report is a scathing condemnation regarding the lack of oversight of the mining industry in British Columbia,” said Gwen Barlee, National Policy Director of the Wilderness Committee. “It is clear there are massive risks from an environmental and financial perspective and we need the government to fully implement all recommendations. The most important aspect is the urgent need for the compliance and enforcement program to be an independent unit from the Ministry of Energy and Mines.”

For interviews, please contact the Wilderness Committee office at 604-683-8220, or reach campaigners directly at:

Gwen Barlee | National Policy Director

Joe Foy (available tomorrow) | National Campaign Director


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