Meeting slams Glacier/Howser project

Friday, July 17, 2009

Nelson Star

Photo: Sam Van Schie - Nelson Star -- Creston MLA Michelle Mungall speaking at a meeting against the controversial Glacier/Howser independent power project on July 15


"You have to keep fighting," Rafe Mair told the 450 people in Nelson for a public meeting on the controversial Glacier/Howser independent power project.

Mair, a former Socred Environment Minister who is now the spokesperson for Save Our Rivers, was one of several speakers at the meeting accusing the provincial government of being short sighted in its energy plan.

"They're going to bankrupt BC Hydro by allowing these private companies to control the energy in this province," Mair said. "But you can stop it, and you must."

Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall of the NDP hosted the meeting in Nelson to help her constituents better understand the negative impacts of the project.

The official public meetings for the project, which included panels from the project proponent Axor and the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO), didn't include a stop in Nelson, despite requests.

The nearest these representatives came was Kaslo, where they were met with an angry crowd of 1100 who shouted over their presentation.

The Nelson meeting was much calmer, perhaps because the room was full of people who shared the same opinion on the project. They had nobody to yell at.

Mungall said the purpose of the meeting was to help people get their opposition for the project down on paper to send to the EAO. Form letters were provided for people to sign and include their own concerns at the bottom.

Mungall also video recorded the meeting to send to the EOA.

Speakers included Sage Aaron from COPE 378, a union that represents hyrdro workers, Joe Foy from the Western Canadian Wilderness Committee, Lee-Ann Unger from the West Kootenay EcoSociety, and Mair.

Their presentations were followed by a question and answer period facilitated by Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy. NDP energy critic John Horgan attended to help answer questions.

Further comments on the project and be send directly to the EOA before July 27 by e-mailed to or sent by post to Garry Alexander, Project Assessment Director / Environmental Assessment Office / PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt / Victoria, BC V8W 9V1.


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