NDP Leader John Horgan offers tribute to Gwen Barlee; Katrine Conroy recognizes Chrissy Archibald

Monday, June 26, 2017

Georgia Straight

There was a break in the partisan rancour in the legislature as two recently deceased British Columbians were fondly remembered.

NDP Leader John Horgan was up first, honouring Gwen Barlee, the long-time national policy director of the Wilderness Committee.

Here's what Horgan said:

"It's with great sadness that I rise today to mark the passing of Gwen Barlee. Gwen was the daughter of Bill Barlee, a member of this House, but she was much, much more than that. She was a tireless champion for the environment and a good personal friend of mine.

"Gwen always sought consensus and cooperation. It may not always have felt that way to ministers on the other side, but each and every day Gwen got up to try and make life a little bit better for herself, her community and, most importantly, the wild spaces and those that live there—the animals of British Columbia.

"Her biggest attempt to get species-at-risk legislation through this legislature may be something that we could look forward to as a legacy for her good works, but I also want to talk a little bit about how she fought through all of these challenges over the past number of years. She also contracted Lyme disease back in 2006-2007 and became an advocate for that disease as well. So it wasn't just the environment, it wasn't just protected spaces and protected species, it was: how do we address this health challenge here in British Columbia and, indeed, right across North America?

"Lastly, it would not be a tribute to Gwen Barlee if you didn't talk about her fierce competitiveness. If anyone ever had a deck of cards in their hand and thought that they could play Texas hold 'em, they'd never met Gwen Barlee.

"She was, through her Dad, a prospector of this and that across this great province. Bill was famous for his ghost towns and gold trails, and Gwen was with him as a child and continued on a passion for this great province, its great history and, most importantly, a little bit of blackjack and a little bit of cards now and again.

"I will greatly miss Gwen. Her colleagues at the Western Canada Wilderness Committee will miss her as well. I know she'll be missed by her mum Kathleen, her sisters Diane and Veronica, and by anyone in this House who ever had the opportunity to meet Gwen Barlee. It's a very, very sad day, but I believe we should all go on with her in our hearts and our minds as we bring forward legislation to protect those wonderful places that are so important to her."

Read the full article here