New Report: Who's Looking Out For Canada's Environment?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

As Canadians, we know how important it is to ensure the protection of our natural environment. We value clean air, fresh water, healthy forests, national parks, and the numerous wild species that call this nation home. Our diverse ecological heritage—from the Great Lakes to the Rocky Mountains—is part of what it means to be Canadian.
This deep connection to our environment is one of the reasons why Canadians across the country are outraged by the dramatic cuts and environmental legislation rollbacks contained in the federal government’s recent budget bill—Bill C-38. This bill has drastically weakened the laws that protect our air and water; it has removed key protections for fish habitat, reduced the ability for public participation in environmental reviews and lowered government oversight on industrial projects.

It’s essential that Canadians understand what these regulatory rollbacks mean to the protection of our wild spaces and to at-risk species like wild salmon, grizzly bears and spotted owls. So we’ve published a new report, called Who’s Looking Out For Canada’s Environment? This paper is meant as a resource for you to learn about the various impacts of Bill C-38, and can be used as a tool for discussion with your family, friends and neighbours. 

This paper can be a sobering read, but please don’t be discouraged. Instead, we hope you can use this information to become educated and mobilized to take action in your community, by spreading the word, supporting important campaigns and writing letters to decision makers.

Click here to download a full copy of the report.