News clips, photos and other coverage of the Rally at the Kinder Morgan Oil Tanker Terminal

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Here is some of the video and pictures from the rally at the kinder morgan terminal in solidarity with the Tar Sands Action at the White House in oppostion to the Keystone XL Pipeline

One of the key arguements of the State Department was that the oil would get to market even if the Keystone Pipeline were not to be built. This rally is just a small taste of the oppostion big oil companies will face in BC. If they think new and expanded pipelines or oil tanker traffic will be allowed on Canada's west coast they have another thing coming. 

Global TV news story:  


Pics from the Rally:

This is an fantastic video on the rally by Damien Gillis from The Common Sense Canadian - 

There is a tonne of raw video shot on a smart phone - (most of it was live streamed to the net during the rally) 

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