No comment from premier as thousands protest pipelines, tankers at MLA offices

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vancouver Observer

BC Premier Christy Clark's Press Secretary Michael Morton told The Vancouver Observer that Clark has nothing to say about the protests occuring today across BC in front of MLA offices.

BC Ministry of Environment spokesperson Stuart Bertrand said that Environment Minister Terry Lake is in meetings all day in Vancouver, and does not plan on meeting or addressing the protesters. A written statement may be pending, Bertrand said.

Meanwhile, over 3,000 people over the last month pledged online to gather in front of their local MLA offices to show their opposition to oil sands pipelines and tankers carrying oil from Alberta's oil sands.

The protest, organized by Defend Our Coast, is a follow up to an enormous protest in front of the BC legislature on Monday. Up to 4,500 people chanted, held up picket signs, and listened to speeches from First Nations leaders, opposition MPs from Ottawa, and BC opposition leaders on the general theme of opposing pipelines and tankers from Alberta oil sands.

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