Northern Gateway still isn’t getting much support in BC: poll

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

NEWS 1130

Decision expected due within two weeks

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – A decision on Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline is due within two weeks, and a new poll finds support for the project in this province has not been heating up.
The Bloomberg-Nanos poll finds the majority of British Columbians want the pipeline rejected or delayed for further review.
It shows 29 per cent want Northern Gateway approved. The rest are evenly split on whether it should be quashed or postponed.
There’s a lot of speculation the project will be given the go-ahead. But Eoin Madden with the Wilderness Committee isn’t convinced it will be a ‘yes’ from the Harper government.
“I’m not actually, to be quite honest with you,” he says. “There’s a lot of very savvy political reasons why the current federal government might not want to approve this pipeline. First of all, it’s crazy. Second of all, it doesn’t have support in BC.”
“We’re charging into a year of elections coming up, where they may want to secure some sort of support in British Columbia. There are 21 different federal ministers here in British Columbia, who will be watching this story unfold very closely,” he adds.
Madden expects a decision within a few days.


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