Pipeline protestors gather at Clark and Dix's offices

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

News 1130

A vocal crowd of about 100 anti-pipeline protestors sporting Halloween costumes, including a paper mache oil tanker, gathered in front of Premier Christy Clark's office in Kitsilano to send what they say is a strong message against oil pipelines.The protest is one of more than 60 targeting MLA's offices around the province.

Before marching to Clark's office, longtime environmentalist Tzeporah Berman told the crowd that they're at a tipping point in history and they have the capacity to change the future over pipelines.

Meanwhile, roughly three dozen protestors gathered in front of the office of NDP leader Adrian Dix. They're asking Dix to take a more consistent stance when it comes to the Kinder Morgan pipeline that would run through Burnaby.

"We're very happy with the position that the NDP has taken in opposition to the Enbridge pipeline. But we also want the NDP to take a stronger position, clearly stating their opposition to the Kinder Morgan pipeline," notes Ben West with the Wilderness Committee.

"The NDP is going to go into the next election being seen as the sort of the anti-pipeline, anti-tanker party. They're going to have to take a clear position against the Kinder Morgan pipeline as well. We want to defend the whole coast, not just the north coast," he adds.

Dix did show up at the end of the rally to listen to their concerns, but he wouldn't say too much until there's an actual application to the Kinder Morgan pipeline, which could run through the Lower Mainland.

Today's rallies follows a massive rally in front of the Legislature in Victoria on Monday.

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