Pipeline report glosses over opposition

Thursday, November 03, 2016

VANCOUVER, BC —  A just released federal government report about the public meetings held this past summer about the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline intended to repair massive gaps in public consultation has instead minimized the opposition to the project in British Columbia.

“The panel report is a slap in the face to all the people who took time out of their summer schedule to share their concerns about this dirty pipeline project,” said Wilderness Committee Climate Campaigner Peter McCartney. “I was at nearly every one of those public meetings. I cannot believe that the federal panel sat through two months of heartfelt testimony and damning evidence only to gloss over the overwhelming public opposition to Kinder Morgan’s pipeline proposal.”

Summarizing their experience in British Columbia, the panel suggested it heard from “strong pockets of support” but merely acknowledged “there are clear voices of opposition.”

“It is grossly misleading to suggest that there was a balance of opinion in British Columbia when we know 91 per cent of speakers opposed the pipeline,” said McCartney.

Despite its deep flaws, the panel report raises a series of critical questions for the federal government ranging from climate change to Indigenous rights to guaranteeing public safety.

“At every one of these meetings, citizens overwhelmingly delivered an answer to these questions,” said McCartney. “This pipeline cannot be squared with the promises of the federal government nor its responsibility to protect Canadians and our environment.” 

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For more information & interview requests, please contact:

Peter McCartney | Climate Campaigner, Wilderness Committee
778-239-1935, peter@wildernesscommittee.org

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