Please help us Protect the Peace!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For 30 years, people from all over British Columbia have been fighting the looming spectre of the Site C megadam.

It has been stopped twice before because of the large scale environmental destruction and the high costs associated with the project.

We need your help to stop it once and for all, and to ensure that the beautiful Peace River Valley is permanently protected.

Last year the BC government announced it was moving forward with the costly Site C project, claiming it was needed to produce "green energy" to meet our growing energy needs.

But there is nothing clean or green about flooding over 80 kilometres of river valley to generate subsidized electricity for the coal, oil and gas industries. That is why we produced our latest report called Protect the Peace! which is packed full of information about the splendour of the Peace River Valley and the threats posed by the costly dam proposal to this wild place.

I have recently returned from a trip to the Peace River Valley where I witnessed first hand the beauty of the Peace Country and the determination of its people to save their farms and communities. Each time I come back to this place I am reminded of how much we will lose if this dam is built. The visit inspired me to write an editorial for the Vancouver Province entitled 'We Lose More Than We Gain with the Site C Dam.'

Please consider helping distribute the Wilderness Committee's new publication about the dangers of Site C in your community. Spreading the word is one of the most important pieces of this campaign. Please email and let us know how many copies you would like and remind us of your mailing address.

We are only going to win this fight if people all over the province stand with the residents of the Peace Valley to say a resounding 'No' to Site C.

Thank you so much for your support!

Tria Donaldson | Pacific Coast Campaigner
Wilderness Committee

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