Province picks Kinder Morgan pipeline over its own people

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

VANCOUVER – Premier Clark’s approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline Wednesday puts her squarely in league with the fossil fuel industry over the people she represents.

“How can a government so blatantly align itself against the wishes and interests of its own citizens?” said Peter McCartney, Wilderness Committee Climate Campaigner. “Right when we need our leadership to stand up to Alberta and Ottawa, they buckle like a cheap lawn chair.”

The government believes its five conditions have been met. These include world-leading spill response on land and water, legal requirements of Aboriginal rights and title and a fair share of the money generated from the project.

“We’ve known all along that the government’s five conditions were political posturing instead of a real assessment of the risks and benefits for BC,” said McCartney. “British Columbians aren’t stupid. Those conditions were never worth the paper they were written on.”

Now that the province has green-lighted the pipeline, it’s left to the courts, the voters and the people to put a stop to it.

“It’s very clear the west coast has rejected Kinder Morgan,” said McCartney. “For many British Columbians, stopping this pipeline is a New Year’s resolution they have no intent to break.”


For more information, please contact:

Peter McCartney | Climate Campaigner, Wilderness Committee


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