Quotable reactions to the Northern Gateway decision

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Globe and Mail

The National Energy Board has reviewed submissions to the joint review panel on Enbridge’s proposed pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to Kitimat on B.C.’s coast, and conditionally approved the project with 209 conditions

Quotes from the panel's recommendations:

- "We recommend approval of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, subject to the 209 conditions set out in Volume 2 of our report. We have concluded that the project would be in the public interest. We find that the project's potential benefits for Canada and Canadians outweigh the potential burdens and risks."
- "We found that a large spill is unlikely. We further found that a large spill would initially have significant adverse environmental effects on ecosystems, and we accepted the scientific evidence that indicates that the environment would ultimately recover and return to a functioning ecosystem similar to that existing prior to the spill."
- "The environmental, societal and economic burdens of a large oil spill, while unlikely and not permanent, would be significant."
- "Opening Pacific Basin markets is important to the Canadian economy and society."
- "The project would bring significant local, regional, and national economic and social benefits."
- "It is our view that, after mitigation, the likelihood of significant adverse environmental effects resulting from project malfunctions or accidents is very low."

Joe Oliver, federal Minister of Natural Resources, in a statement:

“Now that we have received the report, we will thoroughly review it, consult with affected Aboriginal groups and then make our decision. We also encourage everyone with an interest to take the time and review the report. Our Government will continue to improve the safe transportation of energy products across Canada. No project will be approved unless it is safe for Canadians and safe for the environment.”


B.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak, when asked if the province has any power to stop this project if deemed necessary:

“First of all, let’s remember that we’re in a different place than we were in the beginning, and that is that we now have Alberta’s support for the five conditions as well. I believe that that puts the federal government in a position whereby they really couldn’t afford to just ignore the five conditions and move ahead with the project if it was not meeting them. But second to that, I think everybody can agree that social licence is a significant component of any resource development project in 2013. I cannot see any possible way for a project like Northern Gateway to achieve the social licence necessary without meeting the five conditions.”


Janet Holder, leader of the Northern Gateway Project, in a news release:

“From the beginning of this project, Northern Gateway has worked with one goal in mind: to access new markets by building a safer, better pipeline. The Joint Review Panel conducted the most comprehensive and science-based pipeline review in Canadian history and their report reflects the input of thousands of Canadians. Their report is an important step towards that goal.”


Alberta Premier Alison Redford, via Twitter:


Gateway decision & AB-BC pipeline agreement means we're closer to moving oil to coast responsibly #BuildingMarkets http://alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=356017FB51343-EB69-4B0A-56D39378C47A6…
2:17 PM - 19 Dec 2013


From reporter Shawn McCarthy:

“It’s a very positive statement coming forward on this,” said Greg Stringham, vice-president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. “It’s not only for this pipeline, but it really does open the door for market access off the west coast, and that is really critical.” He said Northern Gateway is just one of a host of pipeline projects needed to move western crude to new markets, adding NEB’s conclusions cast an optimistic light on Kinder Morgan Inc.’s plan to triple the capacity of its Trans Mountain pipeline into Vancouver. “There is still lots of work to be done. But the conditions do paint a very good pathway to achieving success on this.”

Chief Martin Louie of the Nadleh Whut’en First Nation, speaking on behalf of the Yinka Dene Alliance, issued the following statement:

“It’s no surprise that a flawed process has led to a flawed recommendation. This project will never be built. The Yinka Dene Alliance has clearly refused permission for Enbridge’s pipelines to cut through our lands and waters, and the federal and provincial governments must accept that this project cannot go ahead."

In an interview, he added: “I don’t care how many conditions there are, I will stand to protect B.C. as much as I can. Our last stand will be to go to court.”


Gwen Barlee, policy director with the Wilderness Committee, in a statement:

“This is an extremely disappointing result from the Panel, and it fails to address the most pressing concerns for British Columbians. The people of B.C. have spoken, and their answer to this pipeline proposal is an overwhelming ‘No’. The risk to our Pacific coast from an oil tanker spill is far too great to accept, as are the risks to our salmon-bearing streams, our communities and our climate.”

“We presented solid evidence to the joint review panel of the severe and irreversible harm that Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline and oil tankers project would bring to our territory, resources, and way of life,” Arnold Clifton, chief councillor and hereditary chief of the Gitga’at First Nation, said in a statement. “We are still hopeful that they will see the merit of stopping this project due to the significant impacts that oil tankers would have on the Gitga’at people’s rights and way of life.”


Coastal First Nations, via Twitter:


It won't be just the people of the #greatbear who feel the effects of an oil spill because we're all connected. http://bit.ly/1b2Ljho

1:08 PM - 19 Dec 2013


Green Party MLA and climate scientist Andrew Weaver:

"It is the 209 conditions that apply for the project to proceed which require emphasis. The Federal Cabinet must ensure that these conditions will be fully met before approving the project. It is unclear how the marine spill response conditions can be fully met, given the lack of scientific research and understanding of how diluted bitumen behaves in a marine environment."

“If they try to build Northern Gateway, First Nations and residents have committed to taking the company to the courts and to putting their bodies in front of bulldozers,” Nikki Skuce, a campaigner for environmental group ForestEthics, told Bloomberg News in an e-mail before the decision. “Enbridge will never gain social license to operate in northern B.C.”

Activist and academic Naomi Klein, via Twitter:


Hey Tories, if u think #tarsands oil is "conflict free" just try to build that pipeline through BC. #NorthernGateway approved w conditions
1:38 PM - 19 Dec 2013


Kevin Gardner, head of Western Canada Marine Response Corporation, on spill response:

"The response plan was developed in conjunction with WCMRC. Enbridge proposed response times and provided risk analysis. WCMRC built a response plan to meet those requirements, including equipment and personnel requirements, as well as the location of new response bases. WCMRC fully supports and looks forward to working with Enbridge in the implementation of the response plan, which meets the province’s world class requirements and far exceeds existing standards."


John Gamble, president of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies: "We need responsible resource extraction that offers economic opportunities while respecting environmental protection and social responsibility. We need Gateway and we need to do it right and we need to do it well. We believe that Canada has the skills and expertise to achieve a balance between our economic and environmental interests."

Liberal MP John McKay, via Twitter:


When does yes mean no? When it has 209 conditions attached to it. #NEB throws down hundreds of cautions, but in PMSH's mind #NGWY is a go.
1:56 PM - 19 Dec 2013


NDP MP Kennedy Stewart, via Twitter, via Twitter:


Outrageous decision by the #NEB. #KinderMorgan next. Get involved http://letbcdecide.ca/  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-… … #bcpoli
1:56 PM - 19 Dec 2013


Greenpeace campaigner Mike Hudema, via Twitter:


"Together we will do what it takes, from court cases to civil disobedience, to ensure this pipeline never gets  built." ~Greenpeace.

2:20 PM - 19 Dec 2013


"Disappointing JRP chose to ignore the views of British Columbians, #First Nations, and even the B.C. gov't in #northerngateway decision."

2:19 PM - 19 Dec 2013


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