Rally Wednesday Oct. 11 against cuts to our environmental protection
Wilderness Committee

Now is your chance to speak up for Manitoba's environment
Dear Friend,
Just as we are ramping up our work on Lake Winnipeg and water in this province the Manitoba government is proposing cuts to our environmental law and we need you to speak up!
Come out and attend our rally tomorrow – Wednesday, Oct. 11 at 12:30pm at the Manitoba Legislature. It is urgent that we collectively raise our voices to care for Manitoba’s great lake through controlling hog barns.
Bill 24 is a proposed new act that’s going to committee hearing any day now. The bill will increase water pollution from industrial hog operations.
Lake Winnipeg is continuing to suffer the effects of excess nutrients and existing industrial pig farm practices like manure spreading are part of the problem. A ban on new hog barns without proper pollution control was introduced a decade ago because of excess nutrients getting into Lake Winnipeg.
Now the Manitoba government wants to cut this environmental protection.
However, the problem with hog barn pollution hasn’t been fixed. So why would we remove our environmental protection?
Sign up to voice your opposition! Please call (204) 945-3636 and register to speak at a legislative community hearing about Bill 24. Speaking at the committee hearing will be our last chance to stand against these cuts to the Environment Act.
Don’t forget to drop by the rally tomorrow at 12:30pm. And share the event through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/279019879283936/.
Lake Winnipeg and our water are just too important, we can’t stay silent. I hope you’ll come stand up for our water with me.