Read our new report: Site C? No Dam Way!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

In January 2014, public hearings wrapped up for a controversial dam project in BC’s beautiful Peace River Valley. The proposed $8 billion Site C dam has faced mounting opposition from local residents, First Nations and British Columbians from far and wide who don’t want to see this amazing region flooded under a reservoir.

If built, the Site C dam would drown more than 100 kilometres of the Peace River and its tributaries, including vast areas of rich farmland, wildlife habitat and important cultural and heritage sites. The Peace region is a place with lots of history and a lot of significance – and we aren’t going to stop fighting for it until this unneeded dam project is rejected for good.

That’s why we’ve produced a new report called Keep the Peace – Site C? No Dam Way! This report will introduce you to the Peace River Valley, taking a look at its past, its present and its future. Learn about the people and the wildlife who call this region home, and find out why they’re standing up to say “No!” to Site C.

The report also explains the financial burden this hugely expensive and unnecessary dam project would place on British Columbians, at a time when the province is overflowing with excess electricity.

Click here to download the full report.

So how you can help stop the Site C dam? Well, the “public” portion of the project’s environmental assessment is now over, but a final decision has yet to be made. Once the review panel delivers the results of their assessment, it will be up to our provincial and federal Environment Ministers to make the final call.

You can take action by writing to federal Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq and BC Environment Minister Mary Polak, demanding that the Site C dam be rejected for good. Click here to write a letter today.

You can also help out by sharing this report with your friends and family, or by distributing hard copies in your neighbourhood. If you’re interested in joining our grassroots distribution team, email with your mailing address and the number of reports you’d like to receive, and we’ll send you as many copies as you need.

Thanks again for standing up for the Peace River Valley! 

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