Saving Teapot Valley Mighty Big Trees a Wild Backpack Bushwhack Adventure

Teapot Creek is a tributary of the Nahatlatch River and is within Nlaka'pamux territory. Come along with Wilderness Committee Protected Areas Campaigner Joe Foy and his friend Devon Page as they start their fourth day of a week-long backpack into the intact roadless Teapot Valley to document its huge old-growth trees. Learn about the fine art of multi-day backpack bushwacking. Then join the fight to protect the last wild valleys, old-growth forests and species like the spotted owl on the brink of disappearing. This is one of three videos about Joe and Devon's week long backpack bushwhack into the Teapot.
Learn more from the Wilderness Committee about the fight to protect spotted owl habitat here:
Check out these exciting Indigenous lead conservation proposals in the region surrounding Teapot Valley
The Stein Nahatlatch Initiative:
T’eqt’aqtn Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area:…