Site C opposition declaration presented in legislature

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Energenic City

A group of 23 First Nations have finally had their declaration opposing the Site C project submitted into the B.C. Legislature.

NDP energy critic John Horgan presented the declaration to the Legislature Wednesday.

The document was signed in Fort St. John by representatives from 23 First Nations groups across B.C., Alberta and the Northwest Territories and was first taken to Victoria during the Paddle to the Premier.

Wednesday was the first opportunity for the declaration to be presented in the Legislature, says Tria Donaldson, pacific coast campaigner with the Wilderness Committee.

Donaldson says the creation of the dam will mean flooding agricultural land, wildlife corridors and First Nations hunting areas.

Donaldson says there was strong support from the NDP when the declaration was presented, but she also hopes people in the southern parts of the province will become more actively involved.

The Site C dam project is currently in Stage 3 - the environmental review - of a five step evaluation. According to the BC Hydro website, if the project passes the regulatory review phase, the dam is expected to be completed and generating electricity within 10 years.

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