Site C to start this summer?

Thursday, April 09, 2015


Energy Minister Bill Bennett says, as far as he's concerned, construction will start on the controversial Site C hydroelectric dam this summer, even as several court challenges loom.

Bennett told members of the Vancouver Board of Trade that while the province elected to delay the construction, he doesn't believe any injunctions will stop the project from finally going forward.

After his speech on Thursday, Bennett told reporters he's cautiously optimistic in his time estimate for a summer start because he doesn't believe anyone has a good argument against building the project.

His remarks come just weeks before two of several court challenges are set to be heard in B.C. Supreme Court, one launched by the Peace Valley Landowners Association and the other by Treaty 8 First Nations.

Joe Foy of the Wilderness Committee, which supports the legal challenges, says Bennett is bumbling forward and ignoring the voices of dissension in the province.

The $8.8-billion dam would flood a portion of the Peace River, create an 83-kilometre long reservoir and produce 1,100 megawatts of power every year when it's complete in 2024.

Photo: Peace River Valley

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