Site C tender has environmental group glaring at BC Hydro

Monday, March 17, 2014

Vancouver Sun

VANCOUVER — An environmental group is calling BC Hydro’s posting for companies to help build Site C Dam worker camps in northeastern B.C. a “bullying tactic.”
Earlier this month the Crown corporation announced it was looking for contractors despite the fact there has been no approval to build the dam seven kilometres southwest of Fort St. John.
Wilderness Committee director Joe Foy says it makes the environmental approval process look like a rubber stamp.
BC Hydro spokesman David Conway says it’s standard practice to start looking for worker accommodations while review processes are underway.
He says construction of Site C will not take place unless the project receives environmental certification.
The posting says that BC Hydro will pay $200,000 to up to three finalists regardless if they are awarded the project.
The controversial Site C Dam, which is proposed to be built on the Peace River, has drawn the ire of environmental groups and First Nations.
A federal panel hearing public submissions on the effects of the dam has yet to approve the proposed project has yet to be approved.
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