Success! Park Reserve Protection Extended and Expanded

Thursday, December 14, 2006

On December 14, 2006 the provincial government announced they were extending protection for another five years on the Goose Islands, Grand Island, Kinwow Bay, Pelican Islands, Pemmican Island, and Sturgeon Bay Park Reserves, all of which were due to expire.

In addition, the government announced that they would be expanding the Grand Island Park Reserve to include the Cormorant Islands, a colonial nesting site for migratory shore birds. Through a Wilderness Committee and CPAWS campaign initiative roughly 1,400 Manitobans contacted government in support of protecting the Park Reserves in just a few short weeks.

We commend the government for keeping over 24,000 hectares of Manitoba wilderness from the potential harmful effects of industrial development.

It is important, however, to note two key concerns with this announcement.

First, Park Reserve protection lasts for just five years, making this extension a temporary solution only. What Manitobans, and in particular Wilderness Committee members and supporters really want is permanent protection for these areas, as well as an increased amount of permanently protected wilderness in the province.

Second, the areas protected on December 14, with the exception of Cormorant Islands, have been Park Reserves for at least five years already. In that time government has not completed the required consultations and planning for any of these six areas, steps necessary to move the Park Reserves into permanent protection.

What we now must ask the current government to do is commit to completing the planning and consultations for these areas in order to permanently protect them, moving Manitoba towards a healthier environment and future.

About the Park Reserves:

Goose Islands and Pemmican Island Park Reserves
Made up of small islands on Lake Winnipegosis, an important feature of these areas is the nesting habitat for migratory shore birds. Goose Islands were nominated for protection by the Pine Creek First Nation. In recent years the Pemmican Island area has been the subject of mineral exploration.

Grand Island Park Reserve and Cormorant Islands
Chemawawin First Nation nominated Grand Island for protection, along with the Cormorant Islands. These areas are a mix of boreal forest on large, protected islands and colonial shore bird nesting areas on smaller islands in Lake Winnipegosis.

Pelican Islands, Kinwow Bay and Sturgeon Bay Park Reserves
Comprised of Lake Winnipeg shoreline and undisturbed boreal forest, these areas provide habitat for a wide variety of important species. The areas were nominated by Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation (Jackhead First Nation). Due to inactivity by the provincial government this is the second time a Wilderness Committee initiative was involved in gaining interim protection for the Sturgeon Bay area.

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