Take an Historic Stand Against the Site C Dam this Sunday!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There are two types of power in this world: money and people. We all know what money can buy. Like the $10 billion dollars the government plans to spend on the environmentally destructive Site C mega-dam. Which if allowed to go ahead will destroy one of BC's special place, and with it the livelihoods of many local people.

Money can also pay for lots of PR, slick ads, communications consultants, and fancy media stunts. Like the one with the $360,00 price tag that Gordon Campbell put on to announce his plan to build the Site C project.

We don’t have that kind of money to pay for private jets, or expensive hotels suits. But we have something more powerful than all that money: we have people.

This Sunday British Columbians from across the province will be converging in Victoria to support the those most affected by this nasty project: the Treaty 8 First Nations and the local residents of the Peace Valley who face being flooded out of their homes. Over 50 people will be making the 30 hour journey from Fort St John to Victoria by bus. People are driving in from Nanaimo, coming over from the Sunshine Coast, trekking down from the Interior.

Please join with us this Sunday for the Paddle to the Premier. It is critical that we show just how concerned the people of British Columbia are with this project. Also please consider spreading the word by forwarding this email to your friends.

Together we will stand up for food security, for wildlife, and for First Nations rights and say no to the Site C Dam.

One last time with the event details!

Sunday, September 19th
10:00 at the Legislature

Speakers include: David Suzuki, Tribal Chief Liz Logan of the Treaty 8 First Nations, Chief Roland Wilson of the West Moberly First Nations, Ken and Arlene Boon of the Peace Valley Environment Association, and many more!

Thank You for Taking Action

Tria Donaldson | Pacific Coast Campaigner
Wilderness Committee

Photo by Graham Osborne

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