There has been wide response to the BC Government's Budget 2015, as released today.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sooke Voice News

  •  The BC NDP as Official Opposition says that "British Columbians already stretched to their limit will face more fee and rate hikes in 2015, continue to get less services, and pay for Premier Clark's tax cut to the highest paid British Columbians as a result of the BC Liberal's budget."  Opposition Leader John Horgan said that BC wages aren't keeping up -- "in fact, they're falling in real terms" yet "the BC Liberals singled out the top 2% of income earners for a $230 million tax cut, he said today in a news release. Finance spokesperson Carole James said that "families are already struggling -- their costs are going up and their wages are flat", adding that low and middle income earners need a break but are instead facing another 4% MSP rate hike, a 6% hydro rate increase, and increases in rates for ferry fares, park fees and vehicle insurance.      
  • The Wilderness Committee says "the budget is spineless on real protection of BC's environment," while still acknowledging some monies ($25 million) having been set aside for implementation of the Water Sustainability Act.  Wilderness Committee policy director Gwen Barlee says the budget lines remain flat for most departments concerned with the environment.  "British Columbians want real leadership on climate change but "that this government has failed to deliver, yet again - providing small incentives for things like electric cars while working to build a whole new fossil fuel industry is irresponsible in 2015, said Torrance Coste, the Wilderness Committee's Vancouver Island Campaigner.   
  • Sierra Club BC had a similar message: "Urgent environmental challenges such as climate change and the crisis in our forests took a back seat to business as usual in today's budget," the organization said in a news release today. "British Columbians expected decisive action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb climate disruption," said Sierra Club BC director of communication Tim Pearson. "Instead we see a government in a state of denial about the urgent need to act on climate change, phase out fossil fuels, and restore our forests." Sierra Club BC says it welcomes $25 million in funding for the long-awaited Water Sustainability Act.

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