Trans Mountain blocked eagle nesting perch at Westridge Marine Terminal
Monday, April 16, 2018
Star Vancouver

VANCOUVER— A local environmental organization is concerned about Trans Mountain’s approach to dealing with wildlife after the company blocked access to an eagle nesting perch on its Westridge Marine Terminal property by installing a silver cone over it.
Eagles — an iconic species in Canada — have used the nest for more than a decade, said John Preissl, a Burnaby resident and local streamkeeper who has been monitoring the eagles in the area for 25 years.
“It’s actually kind of sickening for me to see this,” he said of the cone.
Peter McCartney, a climate campaigner with the Wilderness Committee, alleged the cone is “just characteristic of this company’s wanton disregard for wildlife,” he told StarMetro in an interview. “We saw it with the salmon mats in the northern interior — Kinder Morgan’s mitigation strategy is ‘no wildlife, no problem.’”