Trudeau Must Fix Site C Dam Fiasco

Thursday, May 26, 2016

VANCOUVER - The Wilderness Committee is demanding that Prime Minister Trudeau refuse to sign off on any new federal permits required for Site C construction after a damning report by leading Canadian scientists. 

“We are calling on the Prime Minister to stop the dam. In the wake of 250 scientists issuing a scathing statement of concern, it’s important that Trudeau considers the jarring financial, human rights and environmental impacts detailed in the report,” said Joe Foy, National Campaign Director at the Wilderness Committee.

The scientists and researchers also sent a letter to the Prime Minister calling into question the original process used for approving the dam project.

“The federal government’s position is that projects like the Site C Dam that were approved by the previous Conservative government will not be re-visited,” said Foy. “This is an outrageous position and a slap in the face to those who have been demanding justice. BC taxpayers are being fleeced and First Nations and farmers' lands are being flooded for this dam project — the government must to do the right thing.”

The scientists found that the environmental assessment for the Site C Dam project did not consider whether or not the dam would constitute an infringement of First Nation rights.

“The Prime Minister has declared that Canada will honour the UN Declaration of Indigenous Rights. However, he continues to sit on his hands while the environment minister tells us we must accept 83 kilometres of the Peace River being destroyed. This hypocrisy is utterly unacceptable," said Foy.

The scientists say that it's not too late to stop the dam project, even though clearing of old-growth forest, construction of a work camp — which the B.C. government says is worth billions of dollars — has already started.

“The Site C Dam is projected to cost almost $9 billion. That is a lot of public money to pay for a project that ruins a valley and destroys our credibility on human rights. The time to stop this boondoggle is now," said Foy.


For more information, please contact:

Joe Foy | National Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee

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