The Truth Comes Out About Private Power

Thursday, May 01, 2014

If you're wondering about the latest developments regarding BC's rivers and private power producers, we've got a great read for you.

We’re launching our new educational report, Power Trip: The Truth Comes Out About Private Power.

This report is the fourth in our series about private hydropower in British Columbia, shedding light on some home truths about private river diversion projects and the impacts they’re having on our wild rivers and streams. If you’ve read our previous publications on this issue, you’ll know how strongly we feel about the damage being done by this industry – not only to the province’s rivers and fish, but also to the health of our publicly owned utility, BC Hydro.

In this report, you’ll find startling new statistics about projects failing to meet environmental requirements, and about the surprising number of projects actually situated in fish habitat.

You’ll also discover what BC’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipe dreams mean for our wild rivers, and learn how much money BC Hydro is losing after being forced to buy expensive private electricity that we don’t need.

Plus, you’ll learn about the surprising steps the provincial government has taken over the past several months to help reduce the massive financial obligations to private power companies.

Click here to download the report >>

Your passion to protect BC’s wild rivers, combined with your understanding of the massive financial implications of private power projects, makes you a powerful rivers defender. As such you can help ensure that we put conservation, proper planning and oversight, democratic values, strong environmental standards and public ownership and control of our electricity ahead of private profits.

Please check out this report and continue to help us spread the word! If you’d like to distribute hard copies in your community, simply contact us at and let us know how many you need.

Thank you for your support in our work to protect BC’s wild rivers!


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