TV News Story - Pitt Private Power Killed

After a wild public meeting in Pitt Meadows where well over 1,000 people came out to say NO to a proposal by a hydro-power company to dam and divert all eight tributaries of the Upper Pitt River, and clear a power line right-of-way through Pinecone Burke Provincial Park from one side to the other, BC Environment Minister Barry Penner came on the TV news to say he would not give the company permission to build its power line through the park.
This has put a major road block in front of the company - some would say this kills the project. The company is still trying at this point in time, suggesting that they should be allowed to tunnel under Pinecone Burke Provincial Park in order to run their power line. The Wilderness Committee is opposed to this project - and all private hydro project proposals now sweeping the province.