United Against Site C: Crowd at the Legislature sends clear message to Campbell

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Despite a very rainy day, over 500 people crowded the lawn of the Legislature to stand in solidarity with the Treaty 8 First Nations and residents of the Peace River Valley to say no to the Site C Dam. 

"The Site C Dam proposal will destroy Treaty 8 First Nations’ hunting, fishing, and trapping grounds, fertile agricultural lands and farms, old growth boreal forests, and is one of the most important wildlife corridors in the Yellowstone to Yukon migration corridor chain," said Tria Donaldson, Pacific Coast Campaigner at the Wilderness Committee.

"Today people from all over the province stood together with a clear message to the government – Keep the Peace flowing, and stop Site C Dam."
Over 75 residents from the Peace River area were in attendance including leadership and elders from the Treaty 8 First Nations, and members of the Peace River Environment Association.

Tribal Chief Liz Logan was on hand to read the joint declaration that over 20 First Nations from BC, Alberta and the Northwest Territories signed last Thursday to declare their opposition to Site C Dam. Representatives from both the NDP and the Green party were on hand to hear the declaration, and to accept copies. Premier Campbell was also invited, but noticeably missing.

"The entire Site C consultation process between BC Hydro, the BC government and stakeholders has been based around the assumption that the construction of the dam is already a forgone conclusion. Input from First Nations, landowners and community members has not been taken into account through the consultation process," said Logan. "With their absence today, the Liberal government's silence has spoken volumes. But we will not be ignored."

“For as long as the sun shines, the rivers flow and the grass grows we as people have a right to hunt, trap and fish on this land. This is what our Treaty says,” says Chief Logan. “And we want Campbell to know we will take every lawful means to stop this project.”


For interviews:

Tribal Chief Liz Logan, Treaty 8 Tribal Association: 1-250-321-1296, llogan@treaty8.bc.ca

Tria Donaldson, Wilderness Committee Pacific Coast Campaigner: 1-250-686-9249, tria@wildernesscommittee.org

For more information, photos or a hard copy of the declaration, email tria@wildernesscommittee.org

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