WCWC staging new trail tour

Friday, September 09, 2011

Nanaimo Daily News

As outrage grows to proposed logging of the Cathedral Grove watershed, the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, will be leading another tour to the Mount Arrowsmith CPR Trail on Saturday.

Annette Tanner, spokeswoman for the WCWC in the Mid Island, said people are growing concerned with Island Timberlands' plan to log the popular, historic watershed.

"Many who were unable to do the long hike that we hosted a few weekends ago will now be able to come and see for themselves what lies in store for the magnificent Cathedral Grove forest along and across the famous trail," she said.

"We will be taking a route where most of the accessing can be done in vehicles, with only a short one-kilometre downhill walk to the site flagged for logging and roads."

Those interested in the tour should meet at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Whiskey Creek Store on Highway 4, going to Port Alberni.

The drive up the mountain, partly on logging roads plus a 1.7-kilometre easy walk will take approximately one hour.

For information, phone 1-250-752-6585.