We are getting ready for the Paddle for the Peace!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Paddle for the Peace event is coming up and I am getting pretty excited about it! Our Vancouver Island campaigner, Torrance Coste and I are heading up to participate this year. I have hauled out our yellow canoe, cleaned it off and I'm now working on some banners and signs to display. We'll be camping along the way as we head up to the Peace, so I have been digging out my camping gear too.

This is the 7th year that the good folks up in Peace River country have put on this event. This year David Suzuki will be there, and Torrance and I are looking forward to hearing what David has to say - and to paddling alongside him on the river!

All this is being done to bring attention to the threat of the Site C Dam, which proposes to flood about 100 kilometres of valley-bottom lands that harbour a huge amount of farmland and wildlife habitat. We are strongly opposed to the Site C Dam project. We say it is extremly costly, both in taxpayer dollars and in the loss of farmland and wildlife habitat - all to produce electricity that BC does not need.  

If you are able to make the trip up to Peace River country for the Paddle for the Peace event, we would all love to see you there! 

For more information about how you can join in the fun, go to the Paddle for the Peace website

Joe Foy, National Campaign Director 


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