Wilderness Committee calls for Manitobans’ opinion on Sun Gro’s provincial park strip mine

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Public comment essential on multinational corporation’s bid to mine peat in Hecla Provincial Park

Winnipeg Manitoba – The Wilderness Committee is condemning a peat mine proposal put forward by Sun Gro Horticulture to mine for peat in Hecla Park, and asking Manitobans to voice their opinion of the project before the public comment period ends on February 3.

“This proposal for a peat mine in a provincial park is a terrible idea,” said Eric Reder, Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee, at a news conference this afternoon. “Mines are dirty and ecologically devastating. We, as Manitobans, must carefully consider where we will allow mines to operate. Hecla / Grindstone Provincial Park is not the place. Parks are not the place.”

Reder spoke at a news conference against park mining at the Manitoba Legislature. MLA and Liberal Leader Dr John Gerard, Green Party Leader James Beddomme, and Manitoba Wildlands Executive Director Gaile Whelan Enns also spoke at the event.

"Lake Winnipeg is the most endangered great lake in Canada," said Reder. "People in this province know this, and are concerned. We, as Manitobans, must be at the forefront of Lake Winnipeg’s recovery and protection.”

“Peat bogs are an essential part of mitigating climate change," said Reder. "They are a critical tool in the fight to save our planet from devastating extreme weather events."

The Wilderness Committee is encouraging Manitobans to voice their opinion of this mine before February 3. Comments can be submitted through our website: WildernessCommittee.org/Manitoba.

“Fifteen years ago a Manitoba government cowed to corporate pressure to allow industrial activity in parks," said Reder. "Now, a Manitoba government must stand up for a healthy world instead. People over profits.”

“The Manitoba government needs to get into this century,” said Reder. “Parks need to be the life support of our planet. Parks need to be protected from mining devastation.”

“The simplest way for this proposal to go away is for Sun Gro Horticulture to withdraw this proposal for a peat mine in a park.”



Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee (204) 997–8584

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