Wilderness Committee decries first new provincial park mine in 25 years

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

For Immediate Release - September 25, 2013

Hudbay’s Reed Mine authorization is a step back in time for water protection, wildlife preservation, parks

WINNIPEG - Yesterday afternoon, the Manitoba government quietly issued an Environmental licence for Hudbay’s Reed Mine copper project in Grass River Provincial Park, the first new mine in a provincial park in more than two decades.

“It is hard news to take,” said Eric Reder, Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee. “Canada stopped mining national parks in 1930. Eight decades later and Manitoba still can’t join the party?”

Hudbay’s Reed Mine is located in Grass River Provincial Park in northwest Manitoba. Even though Grass River Provincial Park is designated as a provincial park, 99% of the 227,900-hectare park is not protected from development. The nearest large, protected park is over 200 kilometers away.

“Manitoba is shirking their responsibility to protect water and wildlife in the north,” said Reder. “The proof is in the numbers--99% of a park is open for industrial destruction.”

Grass River Provincial Park was established to protect herds of woodland caribou, and to preserve the high quality water of the Grass River. Woodland caribou are protected both federally and provincially under endangered species legislation. The Upper Grass River is one of only three watersheds in Manitoba that have been formally designated as High Quality Waters by the Manitoba government.

“This mine will impact woodland caribou, and impact water quality in our park. Authorizing the Reed Mine is a black mark against what parks are supposed to be.”

Tens of thousands of letters have poured into the government over the last few years, asking for industrial activity to be remove from provincial parks.

“Manitobans don’t want industrial parks. They don’t want to go to a park and find new bulldozed trails to drill holes, and find toxic mess. Manitobans want our parks to be for conservation and water stewardship.”


For more information contact:

Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee - (204) 997–8584