Wilderness Committee launches ‘Free Policy Giveaway Weekend’ with free nature policies

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Wilderness Committee

Canoes on the shore of Rice River in Hollow Water First Nation territory.
Canoes in Hollow Water First Nation (Eric Reder).

Manitoba candidates are invited to pick up free nature policies for their upcoming election platforms.


WINNIPEG / TREATY 1 TERRITORY AND HOMELAND OF THE MÉTIS NATION — The Wilderness Committee is launching Free Policy Giveaway Weekend to ensure the hundreds of candidates vying to run Manitoba get a good deal on their nature policy. We know Manitobans like a good deal.

“We want to ensure that Manitobans have environmental policy left on the kitchen table,” says Wilderness and Water Campaigner Eric Reder. “Everyone loves a great bargain and we’re giving this policy away for free!”

Free Policy Giveaway Weekend kicks off with Wilderness Committee’s Vote 4 Nature publication and webpage today. Here, Manitobans will find policy that puts the public good of parks and protected areas above profit, works to grow Indigenous protected areas, increases environmental regulations and investments in environmental staff.

“Some parties seem to think they can sit back and not make any policy on nature and still get elected,” said Reder. “We think they should use this free policy giveaway instead.”

The Wilderness Committee is sure the Fraser Institute and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation would agree that free is a good price to pay for environmental policy, if they knew what environmental policy was.

“For candidates who don't have official party status and the capacity to write up proper environmental policy, here's free policy giveaway to the rescue!” Reder added. 

Unlike other groups that have started advertising ahead of the 2023 provincial election, Free Policy Giveaway Weekend was developed by a group that is actually based in Manitoba.

“Perhaps candidates in the upcoming election are finding their party too heartless to craft policy that cares for nature, which is our life support system,” said Reder. “That’s why we’re offering heartfelt solutions for free.”

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