Wilderness Committee Slams Cancellation of Live Smart Program

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Vancouver, BC – The Wilderness Committee is crying foul over the provincial government’s controversial decision to cancel the LiveSmart Efficiency Incentive Program last Friday.

“Governments are well known to  release bad news on Fridays, some people call it ‘throw out the trash day’ because generally stories get less attention over the weekend and this is even more true in the summer” said Ben West, Wilderness Committee Healthy Communities Campaigner. “It’s shameful that this innovative energy conservation program was cancelled and our government seems to be hoping no one will notice” said West.

The BC Government cancelled the LiveSmart home efficiency incentives program Friday afternoon. The program was originally touted as an important step to meeting the province's legislated commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 33 percent by 2020.

"Energy conservation is the greenest way to reduce emissions and meet our energy needs, and the most cost effective," said West. "If Premier Campbell thinks that he can declare ‘mission accomplished’ on energy conservation then you have to wonder if he understands how big the problem is or what is needed to meet his own legislated targets.”

"This government is spending billions on projects that would increase emissions, such as its Gateway freeways plans and oil and gas expansion, and then saying they don’t have a few million for energy conservation. You have to question this government’s sincerity about meeting their own greenhouse gas reduction commitments,” said West.


For more information contact:
Ben West, Wilderness Committee Healthy Communities Campaigner 604-710-5340

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