Wilderness Committee stands with Nuxalk Nation, calls on Juggernaut Exploration to cease operations and leave Nuxalkulmc

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Wilderness Committee unequivocally supports the Nuxalk Nation and its call for an immediate halt to mining exploration on Nuxalk territory.

We support the right of Nuxalk and all Indigenous Nations to Free, Prior and Informed Consent, and call for a halt to all activity that does not have this. Additionally, we support the right of the Nuxalk to stand up for themselves and their lands and waters, which have never been ceded to Canada.

We condemn Juggernaut Exploration for violating Nuxalk Law by undertaking mining activity without consent and call on this corporation to leave Nuxalk territory at once.

We call on B.C. Premier John Horgan, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Murray Rankin and Minister of Energy and Mines Bruce Ralston to intervene in this matter and rescind all mine exploration permits.

The Wilderness Committee has long called for reform of B.C.’s archaic mining laws and argued that the impacts of mining make it an inappropriate activity for many ecosystems and watersheds. The Nuxalk depend on the ecological integrity of the rivers and forests within their territory and hold inalienable rights to protect them — rights that must be honoured respected.

We encourage all to stand in solidarity with the Nuxalk and echo their demand that Juggernaut Exploration ceases all activity within Nuxalk territory.

On behalf of the Wilderness Committee,


Torrance Coste

National Campaign Director

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