You helped win a major victory for Fish Lake!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014

It’s a fantastic day for all of us here at the Wilderness Committee – and you helped make it happen!

Last night, Canada’s Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced that the federal government has DENIED authorization for Taseko Mines’ New Prosperity Mine proposal.

This is a huge win for the environment and for the Tsilhqot’in people, who have fought for many years to prevent this mine from doing irreparable damage to their traditional territory, including the sacred and bountiful Fish Lake.

I want to say a great big “THANK YOU!” to everyone who took action (over and over again) to protect Fish Lake! Whether it was writing letters to the Environment Minister, attending a rally, or simply sharing information with your friends and neighbours, your ongoing support on this campaign has been vital. This week has proven what a difference people can make when we work together to persuade our elected leaders to make the right decisions for wilderness and wildlife.

Now, Taseko’s risky mining plans have been turned down twice by the federal government. The Minister’s decision confirms the findings of the Review Panel, which cited the project’s significant impacts on fish, moose and grizzly bear populations, and on the cultural and traditional practices of the Tsilhqot’in people.

Read our press release >>

This is a day for celebration! Our thanks go out to you once again for standing up for nature and human rights by saying NO to the New Prosperity Mine.

For the wild,

Joe Foy | National Campaign Director

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