Alex (she/her) currently resides in Manitoba on Treaty One Territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation.
Alex coordinates the Manitoba field office and the Winnipeg canvass team, and assists campaign work researching environmental issues, planning events and managing the Manitoba and Ontario social media accounts. Alex works from the Treaty One Territory, Homeland of the Métis Nation. She is proud to work at Wilderness Committee because we’re the “people that get things done.” She appreciates the credibility we wield and the dedication the organization shows to doing the right thing. Alex has worked as a freelance writer, editor, tutor, foster parent and worked briefly as a canvasser for us. Growing up, Alex spent a lot of time in the bush, going camping, feeding snapping turtles, and catching frogs and fish. In her spare time, Alex likes to spend time with pets and other animals, writing sci-fi/fantasy and playing Dungeons and Dragons. She is the Dungeon Master for a Wilderness Committee D&D game where she designs quests that lead players through modified environmental crises.