Battleground BC: This pipeline shall not pass!
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Download our latest educational report
Kinder Morgan’s pipeline is a disaster for this country. It jeopardizes all we’ve fought for – thriving ecosystems, Indigenous rights and climate action.
Our new report, Battleground BC: This pipeline shall not pass, highlights all of the reasons why this project can’t go ahead and about the epic fight to protect the coast and the climate from dirty tar sands oil.
This is the year British Columbians stand as one and finally defeat this reckless project forever. Along the pipeline and tanker route, people are putting it all on the line to protect their communities. Tiny House Warriors are parking themselves in the project’s path. Kayaktivists are getting in the way of barges and boats on the water. Folks from all walks of life are working to delay or stop construction however they know how.
We need you in this fight. The time to resist is now.
Let’s show Prime Minister Trudeau and his friends in the tar sands this is the hill we’re prepared to die on.
Read it here