Randy Stoltmann Wilderness Area

This a 1995 Wilderness Committee education report that announces a campaign to protect the largest remaining wilderness area near Vancouver - the Randy Stoltmann Wilderness. The wilderness area was nick-named after the conservationist who first mapped it out in 1994, then lost his life in a wilderness ski accident. The report names the valleys that make up the wilderness area and lists the road building and logging plans that threaten them.
In 1996 the campaign to preserve the Stoltmann Wilderness moved ahead when the Clendenning Valley was protected within the Clendinning Provincial Park. In 1997 the Upper Lillooet Valley was protected within the Upper Lillooet Provincial Park. In 2007 the Upper Elaho Valley was protected within the Upper Elaho Conservancy and the Sims Creek Valley was protected within the Sims Creek Valley Wildland. See our History and Achievements page.