Wilderness Defenders strengthen the Wilderness Committee

Graphic showing our donation levels: alder is under $35, spruce is $35-$59, fir is $60-$99, birch is $100-$249, cedar is $250-$499, pine is $500-$999 and oak is $1000+. All gifts get a tax receipt; gifts over $150 also get a free calendar.

Because we are funded nearly 100% by individual donors, the Wilderness Committee values gifts of any size. You are needed on the way to winning key campaigns to protect nature, defend wildlife and fight for a healthy climate for all.

When you give to the Wilderness Committee we want to show our appreciation. So we offer you some benefits and perks, depending on your giving level and within Canada Revenue Agency guidelines (which dictate that any benefits you receive cannot be valued at more than 10% of your donation).

Alder, Spruce and Fir donors receive:

  • Personalized welcome to the Wilderness Committee
  • Regular Campaign newspapers — mailed or emailed as requested
  • Quarterly Wild Impact reports on work you make possible
  • Invitation to Wilderness Committee's Annual Open House and advance invitation to view the annual online video and report

Birch and Cedar donors receive: 

  • All the above benefits, plus
  • FREE Wild Canada endangered species and spaces calendar (for donations $150 or more, or monthly donations of $15 or more)

Pine donors receive:

  • All the above benefits, plus
  • Reports on your donation investments

Oak donors receive:

  • All the above benefits, plus
  • Personalized Reports on your donation investments (upon request) by phone, email or in person, depending on preference
  • Invitation to personalized wilderness witness tours in some of our key campaign areas (where available)

Trailblazers lead the way

For almost four decades the Wilderness Committee has used trail building and maintenance as a unique and powerful campaign strategy to deter logging, provideVolunteers hiking up a forest trail, with the text "Help us lead the way in wilderness preservation!" above access to remote areas for scientists, photographers and activists, and introduce the public to our forests. That's why we honour our most valued monthly donors as Trailblazers

Trailblazers pledge ongoing support to the Wilderness Committee by making a monthly gift via direct payment or credit card. They give us the support we need to continue protecting sparkling waters, snow-capped peaks, arid plains and towering ancient trees — and the incredible creatures that depend on them! Trailblazers are truly the heart and soul of our organization.

Why give monthly? It's...

  • Easier! Spread your donations across the entire year. Then see it totaled up for a tax benefit when your receipt arrives in February.

  • Powerful! Your gift provides predictable revenue with lower administrative costs so we can conduct research, plan and build strong, science-based cases for more effective campaigns, recruit wilderness advocates, hire staff and invest more confidently in winning strategies for the wild.

  • Fun! As one of Wilderness Committee's most valued supporters, Trailblazers receive perks, rewards and communications tailored just for you.


  • For as little as $10 per month you can support wilderness preservation and wildlife protection year-round.
  • Sign up at $15 per month or more and receive a FREE copy of our Wild Canada endangered species and spaces calendar.
  • You also receive Wilderness Defender benefits, above, as a monthly Trailblazer!

To become a Trailblazer and help the Wilderness Committee lead the way in wilderness and wildlife preservation, please click here to set up your monthly Trailblazer donation.

Wilderness Guardians ensure a wild future

Graphic with a picture of a bunny and the following text. "Will you remember me? Be a celebrated guardian of Canadian wildlife. We have a special title for those who name us in their will or estate plans: Wilderness Guardians. But we can only give you benefits if you let us know your intent. Join today. Notify us. See the benefits. Learn more at WildernessCommittee.org/Legacy. Contact Michelle Johnson 778-708-9179

Besides giving yourself the gift of peace of mind, you can take lasting action for the wild. Make an enduring gift today! Simply write or update your last will and testament to reflect your shared reverence for the wild. 

Benefits for Wilderness Guardians

  • FREE copy of our Wild Canada endangered species and spaces calendar — every year!* 
  • Exclusive campaign updates — we’ll keep you current on the most recent developments.
  • Wilderness witness tours — receive invitations to join us for day trips to the wilderness.

All these benefits are yours — only if you notify us. Fill out this form to indicate your intent and preferences. You’ll be glad you did! See how other donors like you have committed to the wild.