Add your voice to end fracking in BC

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Each action you take is part of a strategic and coordinated effort targeting government decision-makers all across the province. From emailing Minister of Energy and Climate Solutions, Adrian Dix, to meeting with your MLA, our united efforts will make ending fracking a priority the B.C. government can’t ignore.

Unfortunately, the B.C. NDP has continued to expand fracking for liquified natural gas (LNG), which is mostly just methane, despite Premier Eby publicly stating that it is incompatible with their climate goals. Most fracking occurs in the Northeast region of the province, posing devastating health and safety risks for communities nearby and scarring the landscapes. As our province continues to experience climate disasters like heat waves, floods and wildfires, there is no justification for expanding fossil fuel infrastructure in a climate emergency.

While the government continues to sidestep and dance around this issue, the path forward is clear:

1. No new permits for gas wells
2. Reject proposed LNG plants under review
3. Phase out existing gas production

Let’s turn up the volume and hold the government accountable for their actions. Constant, concerted and repeated pressure is the best way to make this an issue lawmakers cannot avoid — and we’re aiming to do just that with your help.

Thank you for Adding your voice to this petition:

The petition of the undersigned, concerned citizens states that:

  • Fracking for methane gas in northeastern BC produces a fifth of the province’s carbon pollution. That total will rise if new liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants are built to export the fossil fuel to Asia. It is an extremely potent greenhouse gas that must stay in the ground if the world is to limit global warming to “safe” levels.
  • Climate disasters are already wiping entire communities off the map. In 2021 alone, a never before seen heat wave killed nearly 600 British Columbians, the town of Lytton burned to the ground after smashing temperature records and unprecedented rains swamped a huge swath of rural Abbotsford. Burning fossil fuels puts our families and communities at risk.
We, the undersigned, call on the provincial government to end fracking in British Columbia. Issue no new permits for gas wells. Reject proposed LNG plants under review. Phase out existing gas production and develop a plan with workers and communities for the future of northeastern BC.