Welcome to the Wilderness Committee's Canada Day Campout in Chilliwack's Owl Forest!

When is the event? Friday July 1st and Saturday July 2nd. We will return home the morning of Sunday July 3rd.

Where will the campout be? In the Chilliwack Valley Spotted Owl Wildlife Habitat Area, located near Chilliwack Lake, which is about a 2 hour drive from the Vancouver area. The road is paved all the way and parking is beside the paved road.

Who should come along? This event is for people who like to camp and would like to learn about the local forests and help protect BC's endangered species.  Joe Foy, Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee will be your host.

What to bring? Bring a tent, sleeping bag, stove, food, water container, flashlight, etc. The camping area is only a five minute walk from the vehicles so you will not need to pack very far. This is a primitive camp, simply an opening in the forest. We will get our water from the nearby creek.

Going to the campout together: We will be meeting up at the Braid Skytrain Station at 9am, Friday July 1st. If you are in the Greater Vancouver Area and you have a vehicle you can meet us there, and we can drive up together.

Providing a ride: If you can provide a ride to someone, please email me and let me know how many people you are able to bring up (and back again). I will work to hook you up with someone who needs a ride.

Getting a ride: If you require a ride to the campout, please email me and I will work to hook you up with someone who can give you a ride starting at the Braid Skytrain Station at 9am Friday July 1st.

What we'll see: A beautiful forest that has recently been designated as a protected spotted owl habitat area while at the same time it has been designated as a logging area. The Vancouver Sun recently published an article about this issue. And we have produced a short video about Chilliwack's Owl Forest.  By camping here we hope to bring enough attention to the issue of endangered species protection so that we can have the logging plans cancelled.

Nearby: is Chilliwack Lake Park with a swimming beach (Chilliwack Lake is known for its chilly swimming) and hiking trails. On Canada Day the lower elevation trails will be snow free. The Lindeman Lake Trail is very nearby and is a favorite hike of mine.

Decided to go to the Canada Day Campout? Once you have decided to attend please email me and let me know you are coming, and how many people you will be bringing so that we can have an idea about how many people to expect. Thanks! Together we can save Canada's endangered species like the Spotted Owl.

Looking forward to seeing you at the campout! Bye for now.

Joe Foy
Wilderness Committee National Campaign Director