Currently, about 15 per cent of the land now called British Columbia is protected as parks including provincial parks, national parks, Tribal parks, Indigenous protected areas, park reserves, conservancies and ecological reserves. It has taken generations to increase wilderness protection in BC to the current level, but it's far from complete.

The map below shows existing parks as well as potential protected areas that have been mapped by First Nations, and environmental groups. You can see additional information by clicking on each potential protected area. However, not all potential protected areas currently have their information posted. More info will be posted in the near future. This is a living map - which means that as new information becomes available the map will change. If you have new areas or information to add, please email Joe Foy, Protected Areas Campaigner at


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Too many significant wildlife habitats, outdoor recreation areas, watersheds, old-growth forests and spiritual wild places that should be protected lands have inadequate protection or are not protected at all. They are at risk of being degraded by industrial development. Around the world, there are many countries, provinces and states that have a much higher level of park protection than BC has. Over 42 per cent of land is protected in Bhutan, for example, and New Zealand has protected nearly 30 per cent of its land area for the purpose of preserving wild nature.

The Wilderness Committee is calling for an eventual protected area system reaching 50 per cent of the land area. We are currently gathering information on potential protected areas. We have published an on-line map and several education reports on protected area system expansion. 

The Wilderness Committee is encouraged that the BC government is cooperatively working with First Nations and the federal government within the Tripartite Framework Agreement on Nature Conservation to reach BC and Canada's 30 per cent protection commitment by 2030, respecting First Nations' Title and Rights, while doubling the protected area system in BC.

BC is the most bio-diverse province in Canada. Let’s work together to hand down this natural living treasure to future generations!

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