Plutonic Power, in partnership with US corporate giant General Electric, is proposing to construct an enormous 1027 megawatt private hydropower project in Bute Inlet, the largest proposed private power project in the province.
The proposed project would involve building 17 separate dams and river diversions in the South Gate and Homathko watersheds, each with separate generating facilities; over 440 km of power lines; over 250 km of roads; and over 100 bridges.
The area encompasses mountain goat, marbled murrelet and grizzly bear habitat, and is home to 23 varieties of fish, including all 5 major types of Pacific salmon.
During the first round of Environmental Assessment public hearings on the project, thousands of concerned citizens came out to express their opposition to this project and the BC Government's Energy Policy, that spawned it and hundreds more like it across the province.
Moving forward the Environmental Assessment is going to a Federal Panel Review, one of the highest levels of assessment, which involves greater opportunities for public participation, which may include public hearings in the Lower Mainland.
To keep up to date with developments on this project please sign up for our e-alert.
Voices of Bute Inlet from jeremy williams on Vimeo.