Learn about Keeping the Peace (in BC's northeast)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012

When you turn on the electricity at your house, do you think about where it comes from?
Ever since I visited the Peace River Valley, I have thought about it a little bit more. It is in the Peace, in northeastern BC, where the decisions we make about energy use are felt on the land.

Whether it is hydro-electric dams, oil and gas development, coal mining or nuclear development, this valley is facing very big environmental threats. Please join the Wilderness Committee at the Victoria premiere of the award winning film Peace Out, a documentary exploring the politics and consequences of energy demand and supply.

Peace Out helps us to answer the key questions: do we really need the energy that the Site C dam will provide, and is it worth the multi-billion dollar price tag and all the environmental destruction that will come with it?

The film seeks to engage those of us who do not connect our daily decisions with global land use issues. It focuses on the Canadian wilderness to our north, although the issues raised are universal.

The film pits energy executives, tar sands reps and nuclear spokesmen against academics and activists in an intelligent debate that leaves the viewer to decide what to believe. The film presents a beautiful, thought-provoking look at a rapidly transforming landscape. See the trailer here.

The film will be shown at the University of Victoria Cinecenta Films Theatre, Student Union Building, 3800 Finnerty Road, on January 19th from 7-9pm. A Q&A Session will follow with director Charles Wilkinson and Ben Parfitt, an expert on fracking. Tickets cost $7.75, unless you are a member of Cinecentra or qualify for one of their discounts.

Hope to see you there!

Tria Donaldson | Pacific Coast Campaigner
Wilderness Committee

PS - Want to help make this event a success? Please forward this email to your friends or invite them on Faceook.

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