Wilderness Committee rejects Manitoba’s “climate leadership” justification for Energy East

Friday, January 08, 2016

News Release

Alberta and Manitoba Premiers’ statements show fossil fuel expansion remains a real threat to our climate

WINNIPEG – The Wilderness Committee is sounding the alarm today, as the Premiers of Manitoba and Alberta released statements citing the destructive Energy East tar sands pipeline proposal as part of their positive talks on climate change action. In a meeting today, Premiers Rachel Notley and Greg Selinger signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding cooperation on national energy issues.

“You cannot talk about building the Energy East pipeline and acting on climate change at the same time,” said Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee.

“Global leaders put the fossil fuel industry on notice at the recent climate negotiations in Paris. When the world is talking about holding warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, building a pipeline that would export 1.1 million barrels of oil a day for the next 50 years is totally irresponsible,” Reder said.

In a joint news release, Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger said: “Alberta’s climate leadership plan places the conversation on Energy East in an improved context as the country moves toward a low-carbon future.”

“Energy East would be a devastating blow to Canada’s efforts to reduce emissions,” said Peter McCartney, Climate Campaigner for the Wilderness Committee. “Planning to build the biggest oil pipeline on the continent while promoting climate action is absurd.”

Alberta’s plan allows emissions from the tar sands to grow 43 per cent from 2013 levels before they hit the cap of 100 megatonnes. This growth in the tar sands will undermine efforts in other parts of the country to reduce national greenhouse gas emissions.

The Wilderness Committee is continuing to call for the Manitoba government to send the Energy East proposal to the provincial Clean Environment Commission for a fulsome analysis of upstream and downstream emissions and climate implications associated with the pipeline.

“When a proper climate test of the Energy East proposal is conducted, governments will have no choice but to reject this pipeline,” said Reder.


For more information, contact:

Eric Reder | Manitoba Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee
(204) 997–8584

Peter McCartney | Climate Campaigner, Wilderness Committee
(778) 239-1935

Additional links:

Manitoba government press release

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